Welcome Nataliya

We are happy to share that Nataliya Korol from the Uzhhorod National University is visiting the University of Rijeka and the DeShPet lab at the Department of Biotechnology thorugh the University of Rijeka internationalization project. We are looking forward to a great start of a new collaboration!


New journal paper

We are proud to announce a new paper entitled Coupled encoding methods for antimicrobial peptide prediction: How sensitive is a highly accurate model? published in Artificial Intelligence in the Life Sciences open access journal.

Workshop for high school students

Povodom svjetkog dana voda i sa ciljem skretanja pozornosti na važnost očuvanja okoliša, u srijedu 23.03. i petak 25.03.2022. na Odjelu za Biotehnologiju održana je radionica za učenike srednje talijanske gimnazije na temu polimera i mikroplastika u moru. Radionicu za dvije grupe od po 13 učenika su osmislile i vodile doc. dr. sc. Daniela Kalafatović i Patrizia Janković. Događaj je medijski popraćen u dnevnim novinama “La voce del popolo” i na radio Rijeka, u emisiji “Notiziario”.

Welcome Marko

After completing his master thesis in the group, Marko Babić became member of our chemistry branch of DeShPet team. Marko joined us through HRZZ Young Researchers’ Career Development Project. Good luck 🙂

New paper

Congrats to Erik and Goran for publishing their results on using transfer learning in Knowledge-Based Systems (IF 8.038) in collaboration with Ivan Štajduhar. If you are interested in reading the paper you can find it here.


This month Daniela participated as speaker to the PhD CAREER CAFÉ organized by the by the PhD School at the University of Rijeka, where she shared, alongiside with other colleagues, her experiences during the PhD and post-doc. The program was intended for postgraduate students accross all disciplines at the University of Rijeka.

New paper in Chemical Science

In this paper, published in Chemical Science (IF 9.825), Ana Pina and colleagues discuss the discovery of phosphotyrosine-binding oligopeptides with supramolecular target selectivity through biopanning strategy.Graphical abstract: Discovery of phosphotyrosine-binding oligopeptides with supramolecular target selectivity

This work is a collaboration of the Rein Ulijn Group from the Advanced Science Research Center, GC/CUNY and Cecilia Roque laboratory at the NOVA School of Science and Technology, Lisbon. I am happy that I could participate in this great research as part of the Ulijn lab crew during my post-doc in New York.