
Communication is important in research and it is our duty to share our scientific discoveries not only with the scientific community but also with the public, to inform them about our work and inspire the young generations to join the scientific research.

HRT Index 2022.

Listen to Patrizia’s intervention at the national TV show Index.


Festival znanosti 2022.

U sklopu Festivala znanosti 2022., sudjelovali smo na Otvorenom danu Odjela za biotehnologiju, 3. svibnja 2022. U našem laboratoriju ugostili smo brojne posjetitelje raznih dobi te im približili znanost peptida u natjecanju „Tetragon“ i radionici „Fantastični peptidi i kako ih pronaći“. Radionice su osmislile Patrizia Janković i Daniela Kalafatović a provedene su uz veliku pomoć ostatka tima, Marka Babića, Lorene Šimunić, Sabina Sepčića i Sare Moržan. Zabavili smo se i otkrili mnoštvo zanimljivosti o proteinima i peptidima koji nas okružuju.

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Hands-on workshop for high school students 2022: “Polymers and microplastics”




Pint of Science Croatia 2021

Marko, Erik, Patrizia and Sabino  participated at this year’s Pint of Science Croatia 2021. Check out their videos by clicking on their names in the post.


DeShPet Lab comics by Sabino